Thursday, December 26, 2019

Rules for the rest of your life & for good living ! 2020

life rules 

Hungry dogs are never loyal. So never be friends with people who talk to you only for their own advantage.

Be like a mirror. Don’t be kind to everyone. Simply be good with the good ones and bad with the bad ones.

Seek respect not attention. Attention disappears within seconds while respect lasts way longer.

Stop pleasing others. You can’t be everybody’s favorite girl so don’t even try to impress each and every person.

Never argue with your haters. They are just like parasites who suck all the positive energy out of you.

Be grateful to the people who support you when everybody else stands against you. They are the ones that matter.

Never suppress your emotions for a long time.

Don’t chase material things

Keep Practice forgiveness every day.

Being alone is better than being in an unhappy relationship.

Acting strong for so long will make you weak in reality.

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